Take a spoke card!
Discuss the prompts with fellow riders.
We'd love to hear your thoughts! Share answers to any of the questions with us in the text boxes below.
Bennet, C. (2021, April 1). Interview with Claudia Bennet [Personal communication].
Bovey, J. (2021, April 29). Interview with Jessie Bovey (South District Neighborhood Association) [Personal communication].
Bowers, S. (2021, April 29). #RealTalk #RealSolutions virtual program on race, gender, and violence. https://www.icgov.org/news/realtalk-realsolutions%C2%A0virtual-program-race-gender-and-violence-now-available
Cleveland, D. (n.d.). The Only Black Man in Town (No. 7). Retrieved June 16, 2021, from https://theneedle.co/new-blog/2020/11/25/the-only-black-man-in-town
Levin, E. (2021, April 29). Interview with Elinor Levin (South District Neighborhood Association) [Personal communication].
Shaw, B. (2019, January 10). Talk It. blakeshawbass.bandcamp.com/track/talk-it
Shaw, B. (2019, May 9). You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To. blakeshawbass.bandcamp.com/track/youd-be-so-nice-to-come-home-to
Tutson, J. (2014, June 1). Shout. https://soundcloud.com/amesutson/shout
Bennet, C. (2021, April 1). Interview with Claudia Bennet [Personal communication].
Bovey, J. (2021, April 29). Interview with Jessie Bovey (South District Neighborhood Association) [Personal communication].
Bowers, S. (2021, April 29). #RealTalk #RealSolutions virtual program on race, gender, and violence. https://www.icgov.org/news/realtalk-realsolutions%C2%A0virtual-program-race-gender-and-violence-now-available
Cleveland, D. (n.d.). The Only Black Man in Town (No. 7). Retrieved June 16, 2021, from https://theneedle.co/new-blog/2020/11/25/the-only-black-man-in-town
Levin, E. (2021, April 29). Interview with Elinor Levin (South District Neighborhood Association) [Personal communication].
Shaw, B. (2019, January 10). Talk It. blakeshawbass.bandcamp.com/track/talk-it
Shaw, B. (2019, May 9). You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To. blakeshawbass.bandcamp.com/track/youd-be-so-nice-to-come-home-to
Tutson, J. (2014, June 1). Shout. https://soundcloud.com/amesutson/shout